Saturday, January 17, 2009

Shut up!!

Even though Malaysia is a free country, recently I was told to shut my mouth up. So what do you think? Should I or shouldn't I?

Ps: I think I need to clarify something. I never take anyone's time because until now I never let my voice out when the time is over, unless your watch was set differently.


Amin Mansor said...

sometimes we have to be in our own way. be strong to face the problem. it is not our problem actually because we want to speak and that is our right to speak. well, let them with their way and pray for them to not blame others.

p/s- kadang2 manusia ni saja ni nak demotivating kita. manusia tak suka dengan perubahan yg kita buat. jadi, hati2 dgn demotivating factor. saya pun ada jgk org ty kenapa 'cakap' benda yang 'basic'. pada mereka basic sbb mereka bijak. tak study pun boleh score. biarkan mereka dgn cara mereka dan kita dgn cara kita.

you should not shut your mouth up. Keep on speaking as nobody will 'speak'. Keihklasan adalan segala-galanya....

Amalina Amri said...

tima kasih amin
nasib baik ade jgk yg stuju ngan ape yg aku nk usahakan
skrg ni ssh nk bezakan spe yang suka n spe yg benci
lgpun kite xble nk paksa klu org xsuke..
ssh jgk nk puaskan hati sume org

Anonymous said...

well, it seems that someone has given u sum courage.. u don't need me anyway ^__^ Y..

by the way, to those "heavenly cleaver-intelligent-that-no-need-to-ask-even-you-know-nothing-people, I humbly to the knees really want to say, WAKE UP PEOPLE!!
stop being "bodoh sombong", u are not going to improve..if u don't want to change, then STAND STILL & SHUT UP, let the others change.

p/s: frenz,i mean =P huhu

Amalina Amri said...

my dear sis
owh, words kamu sungguh harsh..
tq anyway
by the way don't forget to buy me anythings from there, u can start looking something nice for me. ;)

Anonymous said...

aku sokong Amin sokmo! - Lah

Anonymous said...

the realy thing is; they get benefits from your speak. (if they realize that)

Amalina Amri said...

tq becoz indirectly support me

that is my actual purpose. but as you say, the message will never reach them unless they notice how important it is. (to me lah)

Anonymous said...

eleh kamu juge.. cam x biase lak. Harsh? sometimes we even have to slap on their faces so they could understand. how pity..

p/s:children, don't try this at home.. you too

Anonymous said...

keep asking question..
i like ur style..
i got benefit from ur question..
aja aja fighting!!!
-Faiz salleh