It happened 2 years ago when I was working as clinic assistant somewhere in Selangor. A woman/man came and asked for the pill. The dispenser there without further question just handed over the pill to her/him (contraceptive pill is actually prescribed only medicine, however in Malaysia one can buy them without prescription). Needless to say, there is no proper record of buying process in private clinic. The Okama even proudly announced that he/she takes 5 different contraceptive pills per day. Can you imagine?? .
I know what the okama wants from the pill is the hormones, estrogen and progestrone which are responsible for women's figure. In fact, there are some advantages of the pill which are
- regulate menstrual cycle (ps: if you menstruate)
- reduce premenstrual syndrome (ps: if you menstruate)
- decrease anemia (ps: if you mestruate)
- reduce ovarian cyst (pss: if you have ovary)
- protect pelvis inflamatory disease (psss: if you have fallopian tube and uterus)
- improve acne (if you have acne, but better take topical one instead of the pill)
However too much hormones is not good. The risk of taking the pill are
- breast cancer and prostate cancer
- heart attack
- increase blood pressure
- migrain and stroke
- venous throboembolism (blood clots)
I understand you want to look good but choose the other methods than the invasive one. Think before you put anything in your mouth.
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