Saturday, January 17, 2009

I wonder

Blue for Israel
Red for Palestine

I wonder why Israel got so much love from USA and Europe people. I wonder why they hate Islam so much enough to kill the innocent people and deny their right. I wonder when this uncivilized act will end. I wonder which countries will be their next target. I wonder will Malaysia end up like Palestine. I wonder why I wonder... Geez..


Anonymous said...

Tentang ble mereka akan berhenti tu.. memang takkan. Refer ini:

petikan hadis at the end of the post.

Amalina Amri said...

tq shamel.
tp still wonder if we know they won't stop no matter what we do, so why do we want to stop them? aku keliru

Anonymous said...

that's something i've been wondering for quite some time neway.. But then i perceive it as a method of protesting against crime and RAID!!

because it's our responsibility. Muslims care what happens to their brothers and sisters!! We shouldn't stand still and just be the bystander aite?

Amalina Amri said...

aku sudah dpt jwpn. Dr razak kte serangan yahudi bukan hanya dari segi peperangan malah berbagai-bagai lg sperti ideologi. hadis nabi adalah sebagai peringatan kepada kita muslim yang walaupun kita da berjaya, tp kena berhati-hati dengan ancaman yahudi. jadi kite kene jugak selamatkan saudara-saudara kita walau di mana mereka berada. takkan nak biar je tak.