Wednesday, October 14, 2009


my friend asks: why long time not update your blog? i need something to read
me: i have one thing to write about, but need to study about that first
my friend: no need to write about heavy heavy stuff la.. light light okay what..

Hmm.. simple issue,
well lets talk about addiction..
addiction simply said, craving for something. sometimes we crave for good stuff, but sometimes we also crave for bad stuff. when we are addicted to something, it's very hard to stop and hard to control. i, too, get addicted. my addiction goes to:

1. sunflower seeds
whenever i go shopping, i will never forget to buy sunflower seeds or Malay word: kuaci. even when my mum goes to work, i never miss asking her to buy me one or two packets of sunflower seeds. just recently, my mum bought me a big plastic consisting of 10 packets of kuaci and i finished them in just 3 days. OMG, I'm severely addicted to this one. the bad thing about kuaci is they create too many waste, always need plastic bag around.

2. internet
i think I'm gonna die without internet. i started getting addicted to internet when i was about 15. i cried and begged my mum to install dial-up telekom internet in my house. i even promised my mum to pay RM1/hour of use, just like cyber cafe. i can't help laughing whenever i remember there is one tabung on the computer desk. however, after months i was just like forgotten the promise i made with my mum and the tabung was kept empty.
now, with modem and sim card, i can browse internet whenever and wherever i want. with internet i will always keep updated about what's happening in the world and i always keep terlajak until hours just browsing news, you tube, blogs etc etc. so, my time to study is always getting interrupted. hope it's not affecting my result but I'm sure it did already.

3. manga and anime

first manga i read was Doraemon, then my friend introduced me to Yuyu Hakusho, Pakar Judo, Penyiasat remaja then i found Kreko. after that i keep on buying and collecting manga. . i allocated about RM 30 every month just for manga. after years, i found that i have one full cabinet of manga. my dad failed to stop my addiction and my mum even said it's okay if my result is not affected. just recently when i came to Kuantan i felt it's hard to buy them, so i switched to online manga. the bad thing is i cannot collect them. i want material manga, not the virtual one.
i'm not so into anime. but i once spend all my 3 months salary of my after-SPM-job to buy anime. Hoho, what an expensive way to spend your money

4. shopping
Hmm.. it is an addiction?? well, when I'm going out, i can't help but buy whatever things i think i want. even though i already planned what i wanna buy, in the end, i end up buying just anything. until now, it seems i will never spend less than RM100 whenever I'm going out. so to avoid overspending, i just spend my day inside IIUM.

5._ _ _ _
haha. i think i will keep this one a secret. very-very hard to stop. remember when i sad bad stuff, this one is a bad stuff. Oops, tikah, maybe you know what i mean, just keep quiet. anyway, just pray i can stop this one.

There goes my addiction list. maybe there are few other things that i forget to mention. just hoping the addiction won't affected my normal life.

then, what're you addicted to?

You do anything long enough to escape the habit of living until the escape becomes the habit. - David Ryan

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