Saturday, April 4, 2009

Mourning, hiatus and tired


Life is short and one cannot survive without mother. That's what I conclude as one of my kitten died last week. This also applies to human as well. So do appreciate what you have and the person you love most before the time come.


Facing the longest season ever: final exam. Really hate this season. I feel the clock hands aren't moving at all. when this suffering will end. Urh.. Anyway, on hiatus right now.


As i'm tired facing the exam, i'm also tired of waiting and looking. It's already 2 years and nothing happens. I miss my Gi and really want to do kumite and kata. Guess i have to change from shito ryu to another ryu, seems like i have to start from nothing again. Geez, stop wasting my time.


Unknown said...

weh, amal. ko masuk IIUM karate club ker. nape cam tak de jer kat sini. tapi sebenarnye dah ade dalam list stad.
haha..aku pun miss gi,shihonage, ryote...arghh...

Amalina Amri said...

club ade, tp xgrak pun. sebabnye kitorang xde sensei. cbe cr dojo kt tganu, tp shito ryu xde. puas da cr. yang ade aliran lain. tp x contact lg sensei tu, cuti nnt br contact nk join.

ko nk miss buat pe. aikido kan da mmg ade kt sini. jeles gle aku ko dapat main