Friday, March 12, 2010

What i learn today

Life is not easy. You interact with people and you try to live to the fullest, without neglecting the principles of life that you believe. however when dealing with people, you never know when you strive to live in your ideal life, you hurt people without knowing and people hold grudge unto you and when you have to face the reality, people actually hate you. You try to limit the interaction as little as possible but as impossible as it sounds, you could never escape.

Thus what i learn and what i can conclude , in interacting with people:
  1. Never ever think positive, those people actually hate you
  2. Never assume, as assumption is very dangerous
  3. When you have problem with certain people, settle the problem, never keep it
  4. Never blame, never attack, ask first
  5. Never post your frustration on newspaper, social network or whatever, better deal personally with the people first, maybe that person has the reason.
  6. Never listen from one side, as the other side might have different stories
  7. When people act differently from your logic, find out the reason
  8. Don't spread out stories before you figure out the real situation
  9. If you want to advice, never use harsh word even if you think that person is at fault.
  10. When you think you are at the right side, never forget the opposite party also think the same thing
  11. When people did some mistake in the past, or when people did something that annoy you, never use it back to judge or even attack that person. you never know, whether that person realize that he/she has done the mistake, sometimes, you yourself see things in a wrong way
  12. Never use intermediaries in solving problems, sentences may be interpreted differently if other people say them. better you yourself convey the message
  13. apologize and forgive even if you think you are at the right side. this also apply to the outsiders
  14. Be open and welcome critics
There are actually many things that i learn today. All of these come from the real story. I directed this to myself and also to the others. I admit I made mistake and I hope others will do the same things. You never know when will the same problem strike you. I really really appreciate it if those who have problems with me before, present or in the future come and discuss personally with me. InsyaAllah, with open heart, I will try to accept. but one thing for sure, I do my best and hope for the best in everything I do. Not only the best for me, but for others too.