Saturday, August 23, 2008

Down syndrom & Autism

Some might have heard what down syndrome is, but i bet only few of you know what autism is. I have met many children with both conditions and perhaps my little brother is also one of them. One might say that down syndrome and autism are very closely related to each other.

Down Syndrome

  • caused by the presence of extra 21st chromosome
  • characterized by a combination of major and minor differences in structure with some impairment of cognitive physical growth as well as facial appearance.
  • estimated at 1 per 800 to 1,000 births
  • heavily influenced by the age of the mother. Other factors may also play a role
  • common physical features:
    • single transverse palmar crease
    • an almond shape to the eyes
    • shorter limb
    • poor muscle tone
    • a larger than normal space between the big and second toes
    • protruding tongue.
  • higher risk for
    • congenital heart defects
    • gastroesophageal reflux disease
    • recurrent ear infection
    • obstructive sleep apnea
    • thyroid dysfunction
  • brain development disorder that impairs social interaction and communication
  • causes restricted and repetitive disorder
  • affects many parts of the brain - poorly understood
  • There is no known cure
  • repetitive behavior
    • stereotypy - purposeless movement
    • compulsive behavior
    • ritualistic behavior
    • sameness
    • restricted behavior
  • others
    • sleep problems
      • difficulty in falling asleep
      • frequent nocturnal awakenings
      • early morning awakenings
From experience and observation, I can say that these children are lacking the attention from those around them. From many cases I encountered, these children are exhaustedly seeking attention from people surrounding especially their parents as the parents too much frequently tend to ignore these very special children. We as a normal and healthy person should play our role and support them. We should be more sensitive and open our heart wide enough so that their message reach the target within us.

reference: wikipedia

I planned to add some pictures, but due to too slow internet connection, i cannot upload them, maybe later.